Power Factor Correction – Gold Report


From the last four blogs, we now have a good understanding of power flow in AC systems.  We found that there is a component of AC power flow which is oscillatory.  In other words, a part of the power that flows back and forth from the source and load every cycle.  We called it the “Reactive Power”.

The reactive power plays a major role in the design of AC transmission systems and in the economic operation of AC power systems.  Interestingly, the reactive power is not only relevant for electric utilities, but it is also relevant for the consumer. 

 Consumers can reduce their power bills by reducing the ‘consumption’ of reactive power. Quite often, many consumers are unaware or unconcerned about this issue.  This may be because of the simpler tariff structure used by some utilities to reduce metering and billing costs.  In other words, the consumer is billed only for active power (kW) demand and active energy (kWh) consumption.  In such cases, the utility absorbs the cost of inefficiency due to reactive power flows.

The modern ‘market-based’ electric utilities cannot afford to absorb the cost of consumer inefficiency.  Hence, the tariff structure is designed to penalise the low power factor loads.  This provides an incentive for the customers to improve the load power factor.

In addition, in the case of large industrial sites such as mines,  it is possible to reduce the power loss within their distribution system by locating the power factor correction (PFC) equipment as close to the loads as possible.

 This blog illustrates the advantages of installing PFC capacitors with a practical case study.

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Electric Power – Part 3 – Reactive Power

Electric Power – Part 3 – Reactive Power


In the last blog (Electric Power – Part 2 – AC Power Concepts), we derived the equation for AC power as P = E I watts.  This equation is valid only for pure resistive loads and it should NOT be used for general AC power calculations

We shall derive a more general equation for AC power in a future blog.  Firstly, we need to understand the power flow in AC circuits with inductances and capacitances.  This in turn leads to the concept of ‘Reactive Power’ in AC circuits.  The ‘Reactive Power’ is an important concept in AC power systems and is essential for the efficient operation of practical power systems.

 It is important to remember the following factors regarding AC power calculations:

    •  The AC power (P) is the ‘Average Power’ over one cycle
    • The actual instantaneous power (p) in AC varies with respect to time
    • The voltage (E) and current (I) are ‘root mean square (rms)’ values
    • The ‘rms’ value is given by Erms = Em / √2 and Irms = Im / √2
    • The ‘rms’ value is a fictitious mathematical quantity

 The ‘rms’ values are popularly used in AC systems to simplify power calculations.  To make matters more confusing, the AC meters are designed to measure and display ‘rms’ values of voltages and currents.  The corresponding physical quantity is the ‘peak or maximum’ value of the AC sinusoid.  The peak values are rarely used in practice!

 The ‘rms’ value is often referred to as the ‘equivalent DC’ value, since 1 ampere (rms AC) produces the same amount of heat as 1 ampere DC, when passed through the same resistance value. 

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Electric Power – Part 2 – AC Power Concepts

Electric Power – Part 2 – AC Power Concepts


Part 1 of this blog presented the concepts in power & energy and the relevance of SI units for energy conversion calculations.  We now know that the unit for energy in SI units is a ‘joule’ and the unit for power is a ‘watt’ (1 watt = 1 joule per second).  These units are applicable to all forms of energy, such as electrical, mechanical and thermal.  This is the most important feature of SI units and the motivation for their acceptance internationally.

In Part 1 of the blog, we defined the equation for electric power (p) at any instant of time ‘t’ as the product of voltage (e) and current (i).  The calculation of electric power is straight forward, provided the voltage (V) and the current (I) are constant with respect to the time.  This is true for direct current (DC) electricity, but it is not true for alternating current (AC) electricity

One hundred years ago, there was a battle royal between Edison (in favour of DC) and Tesla (in favour AC).  The matter was settled in favour of AC.  So, we have no choice but to understand the concepts and equation for power in AC.  Without much ado, let us get into it!

The present-day electric power supply systems use AC electricity.  The reasons for the popularity of AC are as given below:

  • Multiphase AC transmission is cheaper and more efficient.
  • AC transformers provide for transmission and distribution flexibility.
  • AC motors are simpler and cheaper to build, and are more economical to operate.

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