Who Am I

“Who Am I?” – Anyone who can answer this question is the most knowledgeable person.!

It is the question which the ancient Indian scripture called the Upanishads try to answer.  The best answer I have seen is from Chandogya Upanishad. It states the answer as “Tat Tvam Asi” which translates to “You are That”!  The primary aim of all Upanishads is to explore the term ‘That’, which is the primary cause or source of this Universe.  It may be the Higgs Bosan— the God Particle.!  Modern (Quantum) Physics is trying to explore “That”.!!!

I completed my Electrical Engineering degree at Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan (India).  I trained as a Computer Specialist during my Masters at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur.

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About This Web Site

An incompetent Doctor may kill a few people, but an incompetent Engineer can kill hundreds by a falling bridge or an exploding power station!   –  Sesha

The objective of this web site is to share my knowledge with the wider community.  My name is Sesha Prasad.  Most of my friends and colleagues in Australia call me “Sesha”.  The domain name “SeshVeda” means “Sesha’s Knowledge” in Sanskrit— an ancient scriptural language of India. 

Topics which will be presented on this web site are as below:

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Paying It Forward…


A close friend of mine, Dorai Thodla, contacted me through Linkedin after a gap of almost 44 years. Dorai is a Teacher, Blogger and Innovation Motivator in the Information Technology sector. In fact, it was Dorai who motivated and guided me to set up this web site. I am grateful to him, as it has been one of my dreams to write a web based power systems text book. Blogging is the first step!  This blog evolved from an email which Dorai sent me recently.

Casual conversation in 1976:
Dorai: Sesh, you are helping us (bachelors) so much. Hosting us, giving us company and entertaining us. What can I do to repay?
Sesh: Dorai, you don’t have to do anything for me. When you get married, invite bachelors for a nice home meal

44 years later,
Dorai: That has been Mantra for life. Then I saw the movie “Pay it forward” and I soooo thought of you 🙂

Sesh’s Response:
Well, it all started when I joined Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IIT/K) in 1967. India was in the midst of a turmoil with Anti-Hindi agitation in the South and Anti-English agitation in the North. It was a culture shock when I landed in Kanpur to start my Masters in Engineering. I had lived all my life in the comfort of my home in South India and fed by my mother.

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