Power Factor Correction – Gold Report


The PFC capacitors are generally associated with the maximum demand charges and utility requirements.  In such cases, it is logical to install the PFC capacitors close to the supply connection point.  This is generally relevant for customers with a small distribution network.

In the case of large industrial networks, PFC capacitors must be installed close to the loads.  This reduces the reactive power flows the distribution system and consequently the power loss in the distribution system.  In such cases, it is often cost effective to install the PFC capacitors purely based on the reduction in power loss, as illustrated in the above case study.

Installation of PFC capacitors close to the loads will help to improve equipment utilisation in addition to reducing the maximum demand.

PFC capacitors will help to improve voltage levels in the system and motor start conditions.  Improved voltage levels also help to avoid unnecessary undervoltage trips during motor start-up.

A provision to install PFC capacitors must be included during the project planning stage.  They can be installed at a future date if there are financial constraints.  This will make it feasible to install the PFC capacitors at optimal locations at a future date and reduce the operating costs.

It is necessary to install harmonic filters, if there are harmonic loads in the vicinity.


Revision History

4-Jan-2021 – Original



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