About This Web Site

An incompetent Doctor may kill a few people, but an incompetent Engineer can kill hundreds by a falling bridge or an exploding power station!   –  Sesha

The objective of this web site is to share my knowledge with the wider community.  My name is Sesha Prasad.  Most of my friends and colleagues in Australia call me “Sesha”.  The domain name “SeshVeda” means “Sesha’s Knowledge” in Sanskrit— an ancient scriptural language of India. 

Topics which will be presented on this web site are as below:

Electric Power Systems

The primary aim of this web site is to present fundamental concepts in Electric Power System Modelling and Analysis.  It will also include topics relevant to the operation and design of Industrial Power Systems.  As per my experience, many power system engineers in the industries do not have a good grasp of basic concepts.  For example, few electric power system engineers in the industry can appreciate the terms “Reactive Power” or “Symmetrical Components”.  I have seen marketing presentations showing the foam on top of a beer as Reactive Power!  Such presentations are too scared to mention the term Symmetrical Components!!

As a professional teacher, one of my strengths is to present complex technical topics in a logical, easy to understand and entertaining way.  There is true happiness when a person understands a subject.  That happiness is more sacred than the happiness acquired through material possessions.  I hope to give the reader many ‘eureka‘ moments.

The power system modelling and analysis involves a lot of mathematics.  At the university, many lecturers get bogged down with mathematics and the students fail to understand the practical significance & subtle concepts.  These days, an engineering graduate enters the workforce as a “Project Manager”.  As Project Managers, they get caught up with the administration of projects.  Most employers have little incentive or resources to provide technical training to graduate engineers.  The mantra of the Employer is ‘Time is Money’!  Ironically, in the long run, this mantra will cost the Employer and the society a lot of time and money.  Quite often, simple technical problems are referred to expensive ‘expert’ consultants”.  This is not only expensive, but it can cause delays at critical junctures in projects.  In my professional life, I have saved a lot of money, time and heartache by writing ‘two-page’ technical reports. Those pages are worth their weight in gold.  This website will help many engineers to write such reports, 

Computer Fundamentals and General Blog

My professional experience includes pioneering days of computers and software development in India.  Modern computers are powerful, complex and all-pervasive.  Yet, the basic fundamentals of computers remain the same.  Fundamentally, nothing much has changed since the Hungarian mathematician John Von Neumann introduced the concept of ‘stored program computers’ in the 1950s.  

I will include blogs on computer fundamentals for the wider population.  I will also write about my experiences in the university and the professional life.  The topics will be educational and entertaining.

Finally, I will try to showcase my recently acquired knowledge of the Vedas— ancient Indian scriptures.  Studying Sanskrit language and the Vedas are my present hobby, after retirement from wage-earning professional life.   I am grateful to my guru Sri.Vasudevacharya for imparting this knowledge to me.  Inquiry into the source of life and nature is a basic urge in every inquisitive human being.  Many people satisfy this urge by tracing the genealogy of their family, but the life itself has a much deeper genealogy!

Happy Reading !!

“A human being is a part of the whole, called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole nature in its beauty.”  –  Albert Einstein



About admin

Electric Power System Guru
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2 Responses to About This Web Site

  1. Evelyn says:

    I really like your site. Keep up the good thinking.

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